GC #01 - The Big Introduction

Show notes

Giant Conversations Episode #01

This episode introduces the Giant Swarm Conversations Podcast and will be an introduction to what follows over the next 3 months. We also cover NEWS 1, 2, 3.

This weeks jingle from Nikolai Rodionov

Hosted by:

Main topics

  • Introduction to why Giant Swarm does a Podcast
  • This will be a time limited experiment.
  • We want to have conversations with interesting people.
  • We want to cover the news of the week from our ecosystem.
  • We want to make Giant Swarm more human and introduce everyone to Swarmies.
  • We will try to pick new jingles every week and here is the first one you just listened to.
  • General Community News
  • General Giant Swarm News

News from #swarmalicious

News from Giant Swarm

Bug of Week (from our Retrospectives)

tl;dr: We enabled Loki on leopard yesterday. It should send logs to an object store. That object store is internal, but Loki was (mis)configured to use their proxy. Their proxy refuses the connection as it's an internal target it can not resolve. Their proxy logs the access and as Loki retried it a lot, their proxy's log volume filled up to 100% which resulted in their whole proxy service breaking down.

Therefore several other services, including our login to leopard didn't work anymore.

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