GC - #16 Giant Swarm Trainings

Show notes

Giant Conversations Episode #16


Giant Swarm's Training Schedule Explained

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Main topic: Giant Swarm's Training Schedule

Present Training Schedule:

  • Management 101: high level overview of management at Giant Swarm
  • Giant Swarm 101: introduction to Giant Swarm (company, support model, architecture, …)
  • Kubernetes 101: introduction to Kubernetes (why use it, how to deploy an app, …)
  • Troubleshooting and Best Practices 101: how to troubleshoot apps in Kubernetes and best practices to be used to avoid problems (PDB, VPA, HPA, debug containers, using Hubble, …)
  • GitOps 101: what is GitOps, why to use it, desired state, why not all-in on Jenkins, …
  • Security 101: introduction to the holistic security required in Cloud Native environments + toolings
  • Observability 101: what is observability, why is it important, which tools do we provide, …

Future Training Schedule:

  • Connectivity 101
  • Advanced GitOps
  • Advanced Kubernetes

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