GC - #18 1:1 with Alexis Richardson - Listen Up

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Giant Conversations Episode #18


Meet Alexis Richardson

Hosted by:

Main topic: Interview

  • Let's start with you, where do you come from, what did you study and how did you end up in the K8s space? There is the saying: we stumbled upon our greatest successes, but you only stumble if you are walking? Did you just walk where you liked it or did you target something?
  • You then started WeaveWorks, what was the idea, what was it that the big VCs that invested believed in?
  • How's your view on the future of open source changed over the years?
  • You've been a thoughtful leader during your tenure, what's your advice to new leaders in tech?
  • If you could take over kubernetes.io for a day. Clean slate, one page, to everyone in our ecosystem and add your your idea or message. AND everyone has to do "it" — what would be your message and why?

Questions from Swarmies:

  • From Martin: Despite the early interest in gimlet-io/capacitor as a UI for flux, there hasn't been a commit to the repo in over 2 months leaving many to wonder if the project has been abandoned. With this in mind, and with all indications being that nobody else is currently looking at UIs for Flux beyond what we are doing with Backstage, where do you see the future being?

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