GC #03 - It's all about security

Show notes

Giant Conversations Episode #03 and date


Giant Swarm, Security and Open Source.

Hosted by:


Main topic

We delve down deep into our security approach. The falacy of CVEs, the importance of PSS, the difference of developers and security practicioners and a lot more.

News from #swarmalicious

News from Giant Swarm

  • Swarmies are currently in Paris, next week's episode will be interviews from the conference.
  • Our Marco Ebert will be speaking at KubeCon alongside James Strong from Isovalent about Ingress-Nginx and 2024 Plans (Talk happening on Thursday at 14h30)
  • Giant Swarm Platform 3.0 Blog post from Timo explaining it all to follow this week. Here's a preview.

Bug of Week (from our Retrospectives)

With karpenter for cost savings, we are reaching cilium API limits due to lots of pods being evicted and need to raise those limits. Pawel then managed to figure it out. NetworkPolicy Objects with CIRDs are the culprit. Without NetworkPolicy objects everything went fine. When also 500 NetworkPolicy Objects were created each with 10 random CIDRs in them, node_local identities went up to 70k, causing cilium timeouts, causing pods being stuck in ContainerCreating. Especially for single IP networks, cilium creates 31 secondary labels. Packing single IP CIDRS into slightly bigger subnets should help. We have an upstream issue for it.

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